Patients Right & Zero Tolerance Policy


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The practice will provide patients with a competent and appropriate service, irrespective of age, gender, race, religious or political affiliation. This service will be prioritised according to clinical need taking into account the provision of an appropriate and efficient service to all patients of the practice. The Staff of the Practice also should be able to work in an environment free of hostility or discrimination. People behaving in a way that disregards this will be asked to leave and may be reported to the Police. Your registration at the Practice will also be potentially reconsidered.

It is the responsibility of all patients to behave, at all times, in a way which does not upset other patients and enables the practice to provide a timely and appropriate service to all patients based on clinical need. It is the responsibility of patients and families to return to the Health Centre equipment, which has been lent to them once it is no longer required to enable this equipment to be available to other patients.


Where patients are disruptive and display aggressive and/or intimidating behaviour and refuse to leave the premises, staff are instructed to dial 999 for Police assistance, and charges may then be brought against these individuals.