Training Practice Policy


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We are a training practice for GP trainees, Foundation Doctors and Medical Students.

We feel strongly that being a training practice fosters GPs of the future and is so important for the future of General Practice recruitment and retention of GPs.

GP trainees are all fully qualified doctors who have spent at least two years completing junior doctor training in hospitals and are now starting specialist training in General Practice. This training takes place over 3 or 4 years with at least 18 months spent in General Practice. Our GP trainees are closely supported and supervised by Drs’ Kapasi and Miller along with the other GPs at the practice.

GP trainees occasionally need to video consultations as part of their training and assessment. You will be informed beforehand if videoing is planned and this will only be done if you are happy to do so. If you do not wish to be recorded, this will not affect your consultation. There will be no recording of intimate examinations and the camera can be switched off on request. All video consultations are deleted as soon as they have been assessed – usually within a week.

We also train FY2 (Foundation Year 2) Doctors. These are qualified doctors who are yet to make a decision about their chosen speciality. They spend 4 months working with us to get a flavour of General Practice. They are supervised by Dr Anna Beedel. 

Medical students are in their final year of study at the University of Edinburgh. They will sometimes be sitting in observing the staff at the practice, however at times you might be asked to consult with them individually. We would hugely appreciate your cooperation in seeing them. Gaining experience helping ‘real’ patients under supervision remains the most important way in which doctors learn. Our Medical Students are supervised by Dr Iain MacLeod.